There are several ways to break an application being debugged: manually , by setting a breakpoint in th source code window or by setting auto-break filters: the VB Watch Debugger will automatically break an application whenever a received message meets the hereby defined criterias.
To define a criteria, simply press the corresponding button.
The "VB Watch Stop" filter breaks whenever the execution comes across the vbwStop tag written in the original source code.
The "memory usage value" filter breaks when 2 consecutive values have a difference corresponding to what's set. The difference is not measured with the very first (initial) memory value.
A variable change: this will break the application if any monitored variable changes. To break the application when a particular variable changes, use the checkbox in the Variables window.
The "a received message..." filter is very useful to
break the application on a particular line or procedure: enter the
full line or the procedure name in the "<Enter a string to
search for>" field. Please note that:
-"Contains" operates an InStr check on the
search string with the vbTextCompare argument
-"Is Like" operates an Is Like check using the
search string
Please refer to the Visual basic documentation for more infos on these functions.